New Magnetic-Electric Device Offers Near Free Energy Source

- by

Penny Robins

The Cairns Post (Northern Queensland, NZ ~ 3-8-01)

Two Cairns inventors yesterday unveiled a world first commercial machine which can power a house from a permanent, clean, green and virtually free energy source. The machine, developed by Brinsmead mechanical engineer John Christie and Edge Hil electrician Lou Brits, has an international patent pending and is expected to go on the market for $4000-$5000.

Relying on the attraction and repulsion of internal magnets, the Lutec 1000 operates continually on a pulse-like current 24 hours a day - producing 24 kilowatts of power - once it is kickstarted from a battery source. The device is more than 500 per cent efficient, compared to a car which is less than 40 per cent efficient and loses power through heat and friction. No powerlines would be needed to distribute energy from the individual power sources. There is no heat, harmful emissions or airborne matter in the transmission. If it were not for the magnets, which have a life of 1300 years, and the battery pack, which has a life of about five years, the machine would be in perpetual motion.

A demonstration of the motor from the carpeted study of Mr Christie's Brinsmead home revealed the device in all its glory - bigger than the average cyclone back-up generator but much less noisy. M Christie and Mr Brits have been tinkering together on the motor in their spare time since they met in a Sheridan St cafe five years ago and began sharing ideas. One and a half years ago, the design was perfected and the pair lodged a patent with Brisbane patent attorneys Griffith Hack. Mr Christie said the next step was to develop a small-scale pilot plant in Cairns to begin distributing the motors to the places they were needed most - such as shops and homes in the power-starved Daintree region and the Torres Strait. He said the price tag for the devices could vary in remote locations depending on government rebates, freight and installation costs.

The beauty of the device was that it was transportable and could be packed in a removalist van along with other earthly possessions when moving house, he said The only problem the pair now face is in raising $500,000 to start their production plant. "We're trying to keep it local, and trying to keep it in Australia, but it's hard because, offshore, they are more aggressive in taking up new initiatives," Mr Christie said.

Already, the invention has received interest from the United States, China, Japan and Indonesia. "But we want to set up here and put the product on the market first, and then we'll take it to the world," he said. Mr Christie said it had been hard to keep a lid on the invention which had such a huge potential in the quest for clean, green, energy production. He said he and Mr Brit also feared the worst once they realised the significance of their invention. "We were afraid the kids would be kidnapped or we'd be shot, I'm not kidding," he said. "You hear horror stories about people running up against fuel companies, but it's all hogwash --- people in the main are desperately looking for technologies that will help our environment."

The pair have begun discussions with Ergon [ the local electricity supplier utility] as there is also the opportunity of selling energy back to the grid. Mr Christie said the average home with a pool needed only 14kW of energy per day - which meant a 10 kW daily excess would be left over during the generation process

Griffith Hack partner Cliff Carew, who was speaking from Brisbane, confirmed the device was genuine and unique. "An international application has been lodged, they've conducted an international search and haven't come up with anything similar, so it would seem to be a new concept," Mr Carew said. He said it would be another two and a half years before the patent was recognised in 140 countries around the world - the usual length of time for an international patent to be processed.

Lou Brits (left) and John Christie

The Cairns Post ~ Two Cairns inventors who say they have developed a radical new energy generating machine have been swamped with inquiries over the past 24 hours since going public with their discovery.
One Cairns businessman already has offered a substantial sum of money to bankroll the establishment of a factory to produce the new generator.
He was among a crowd of curious Far Northerners who rushed to contact Edge Hill electrician Lou Brits and Brinsmead mechanical enginner John Christie once news of their invention broke in the Cairns Post yesterday.
Investors, people with scientific backgrounds and those who were keen to buy one of the new Lutec 1000 machines to power their homes swamped the Cairns Post and the two inventors, who work from home, with their calls. The generator is capable of producing 24 kilowatts of energy per day and is powered by the alternating attraction and repulsion of internal magnets once it is kickstarted from a battery source.

It has more than twice enough energy to power the average family home, while remaining free from heat, emissions or airborne matter. Mr. Christie said he and Mr. Brits realised their invention "flew in the face of physics" by being 500 per cent efficient - but it worked.

"The phone hasn't stopped ringing." Mr. Christie said yesterday afternoon. We've had calls from the Daintree - people wanting to place orders and buy them. We're happy about that but, really, we're not in the position to take orders."

Mr. Christie said he began receiving phone calls from 7:30AM yesterday (when the story was first reported).

Mr. Christie said people begain arriving unannounced on his doorstep from 8:30AM.

He said two people he had never met before had even needed to be ushered out of the room just after 9AM when he went on air for a radio interview.

An international patent is pending on the invention and the two men already have received interest from overseas.

But Mr. Brits and Mr. Christie say they are keen to setup a production plant in Cairns to produce the machines on a small scale to power homes in remote areas of Queensland like the Daintree region and in the Torres Strait.

Cairns businessman Alex Roma yesterday said he was prepared to help bankroll the production plant as it was an opportunity to expand industry in the Far North.

Ahead of meeting the two inventors late yesterday, Mr. Roma said if their invention stacked up, he was prepared to up up "a large sum" to help make the local production plant a reality.

"Looking at this, it's fantastic," he said. "I've always said Cairns needs a boost in industry - it's one thing Cairns is lacking. We'd employ local people and produce something we could export apart from sugar cane and seafood."

Mr. Roma said an opportunity existed to produce locally not just the machines but all of the accompanying components.

Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch lent his support to the proposal to develop a plant to manufacture the clean, green power generators in Cairns.

Ergon Energy spokeswoman Sara Collins said discussions were ongoing with the inventors, who hope to sell excess power back to the grid.

A technology quite similar to generators by John CHRISTIE & Lou BRITS:
 Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator 
✔ Combine generators with induction motors - self-powered generators with rotary motion
✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators

✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity or Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

The Inventors

John Christie (left) is the co-founder, CEO and chairman of Lutec (Aust.) Pty Ltd.

Education: Auckland Technical Institute, Mechanical Engineer.

He has a vast experience in operating small businesses, is on the boards of FNQ Outreach Limited and Trinity Care Association, and is a director of Technology Trading International Pty., Ltd.

His business history includes introducing light steel framed building systems into North Qld., Co-Designing and patenting a new light steel frame construction system subsequently sold to the US.

He co-designed, developed, and made patent application for a new form of wind turbine.

He was Managing Director of Tarinfile Pty., Ltd., the owner of True Blue Sheds a successful North Qld company specialising in manufacturing, marketing and selling steel framed farm buildings, and low cost housing mainly to rural and remote communities.

He has also held middle management positions with the Australian Broadcasting Commission.

Ludwig (Lou) Brits (right, above) is the co-founder, managing director and head of development of Lutec (Aust.) Pty., Ltd.

He is Chairman and director of TTI Pty., Ltd. TTI Pty Ltd is a state government recognised R.A.P. (remote area power) system provider.

Education: Mechanical and electrical engineering and trade certificates (Europe).

Mr Brits has had a varied international career including running hydro electric power stations, designing and manufacturing various electrical components for power stations. Maintaining power stations.

He is an inventor of many and varied objects and products including a wind powered turbine system, electronic health care products, water treatment systems, and hydro/organic fertilizing/pest control products.

He has a wealth of talent and inventive genius, and is well regarded and highly respected by those he works with.

Lutec Pty., Ltd: "How It Works"

We have never said there is an "endless" source of energy emanating from magnets. We have said that the magnets we use in the Lutec 1000 are able to maintain their magnetic qualities for over twelve hundred years. That is a long time when gauged by human life expectancy, but is not forever. We welcome informed opinion, and to that end have sought out the highest qualified people in Australia and the United States of America to review our work.

The Lutec 1000 only baffles those who misinterpret the actions taking place within it as being outside common scientific principles and laws, where in fact it certainly is not. We will try to make a simple explanation to demonstrate what motivates the Lutec 1000 motor/ generator:

Let’s say we hang a ten kilo weight off a permanent magnet butted to a steel roofing beam, and that the only thing holding the permanent magnet to the steel beam is the magnetism. Now let’s do the same thing, but this time with an electro-magnet which requires a constant electrical input to maintain its magnetic qualities.

Let’s say we leave them both there for ten years"

They will both perform the same task, that of holding the ten kilos off the floor. The electro-magnet, however, has needed to be fuelled by electricity provided by a generator of some kind - it could be hydro, nuclear, wind, solar, coal or oil - and has cost a large amount in terms of energy. Much work (in the scientific sense) has been done to provide the constant electric current necessary to maintain its magnetic hold on the steel girder.

Now take notice, the permanent magnet has not needed to be energised by an external source, it has done the job for free" using only the magnetism it contains to perform the same job. The clue here is in the title of "permanent" magnet.

That same principle is one of the reasons the Lutec 1000 motor turns, it is of course the spinning of the centre core of the motor which is caused by the permanent magnets being attracted and then repulsed from the steel cores of the fixed stator coils. It is this primary movement that allows the magnetic fields around the stator coils to be "cut" by the effect of the permanent magnets sweeping past the steel cores of the coils.

Note that we have achieved two effects from one cause, thus inducing an electric current per Mr Faraday’s theory, and so generating electricity as an output or product of the motors motion. The only electricity consumed has been that required to temporarily charge the coils and so creating a temporary magnet of like polarity to cause the permanent magnet to be repulsed rather than attracted.

There are a couple of other major factors that we won’t go into here, suffice it to say that our current prototype demonstrates 1500% more "out" than "in"...

For the technically-minded, the following formula is used to determine consumption of input power:

If the waveforms are periodic with constant rotational speed of the machine and constant mechanical load on the output, then a calculation of energy usage over one full rotational cycle should suffice. Along with all previous assumptions remaining valid, the formula then becomes:
(where W(T) represents the net energy usage in joules over one period T).

Lutec Skeptics Challenged (Unidentified source)

Inventors of the controversial Lutec fuel-free energy generator have thrown off the machine's cover and invited sceptics to air their doubts when the generator is publicly displayed later this year.

The Lutec 1000 has been refined and redeveloped for the sixth time and inventors Lou Brits and John Christie say the machine is almost ready for release. They are also inviting qualified electricians to personally contact them about becoming licensed installers for the Cairnes area.

The sixth generation Lutec 1000 now stands one metre tall (in an upright position) and has a steel frame which has allowed the inventors to attach more magnets closer to the drum to increase the power generation capacity.

Mr. Christie said the 'switches' used to supply the energy into the drum-shaped machine were also becoming smaller and more compact.

The new-look Lutec should be completed by the end of the month and the inventors hope to display all six generations of the machine at the Hilton Hotel later this year.

While Mr. Christie is eager to silence the critics with a public demonstration, he must wait for international agreements to be finalized.

However, he did invite the 'doubters' to see the machine work in person, saying patents were now pending in more than 100 countries, and he could provide detailed information of experts who could verify their work.

'They are welcome to contact us and we will give them the names of experts who have assessed the machine, but who's going to pay the experts, who are paid more than $US90 an hour, to sit down and explain it to them - because we're not,' Mr. Christie said.

'We don't mind people criticising the machine, but no one who has come to see the motor has gone away still believing it would not work.'

Mr. Brits said the crux of the disbelief centred around the perception that the Lutec 1000 created energy - an assumption which was essentially flawed.

'They are not taking into account the combination of the capabilities of permanent magnets and the effects on the incoming current caused by the induction of a greater current caused within the motor,' he said.

'All people see is the amount of energy we are putting in and more coming out. They then wrongly assume that we are creating energy.'

The core of the Lutec 1000 spins as the magnets - spaced alternately around the drum - are attracted then repulsed (using a small electrical circuit) to steel cores which are off-set above the centre down.

Mr. Brits said the machine released the energy stored in the magnets and anyone who doubted the 'stored energy' should try holding a piece of steel off the ground for an extended period.

'In the same way as a person holding a weight uses energy while they are not moving, a magnet uses energy to attract and hold a piece of steel,' he said.

'And it's absolute nonsense that a magnet can only be used on once. Everybody knows if you take a fridge magnet off the fridge and put a new piece of paper under it, it still sticks as good as new.'

A recent demonstration showed the inventors were modest in claiming a 400 per cent increase in energy output, with the Lutec 1000 lighting up six light bulbs (360 watts) with an input of just 42 watts.

Mr. Brits admitted the magnets would run out of 'energy', in approximately 1300 years, but could be recharged with an electrical current.

Mr. Christie said he and Mr. Brits had recently been approached by a company whowere interested in adapting the Lutec to power machines used in space exploration and he believed eventually the generator could be used in motor operated appliances.

The Environmental Protection Agency had also assessed the machine with the intention of giving inertial household users rebates or 'green house credits'.

He said the size and capability of the machine could be changed to suit the need and envisioned a household full of Lutec 1000's.

'Things like your fan could have a Lutec motor and the excess energy created could go back into a household battery to run static appliances like your television.

'It is certainly possible that it could remove a household from the power grid completely.'

For more information visit the website at:

Lutec Newsletter

It has been almost a year since many of you first registered your interest in the Lutec technology phenomenon. We apologize for the long delay in preparing this much awaited newsletter. We can only say that we share your frustrations as the past year has been mainly spent trying to source venture capital to get the Lutec revolution underway.

Sadly, we have to report that it is almost impossible to obtain financial support for a "green fields" technology based on new technology in Australia.

However, the year has not been wasted by any means. Lou and John have continued development of the Lutec 1000. The solid state switching has been designed, built, tested and installed onto the machine with the results to output exceeding expectations. The machine itself has also undergone a number of design refinements which ahve all added to improved efficiency.

Finally I can report that the manufacture of these generators has been awarded to a Cairns electrical manufacturer with prodcution expected to start by the end of this financial year. Initially the rate of production will be limited to only 10 per month, but we expect to increase this to 250 per month as demand and capital allow.

We hope to have one of the new Lutec 1000 electrical generators on permanent public display commencing from the end of April.

For those of you waiting for the opportunity to acquire one of these electrical generators, please act quickly as weexpect demand to far outweigh supply and the waiting period for delivery may be as much as 6 months.

Fortunately the international interest in this new revolutionary technology far exceeds the apathetic approach shown by Australian entrepreneurs.

We can now report that a licensing agreement is now in place for the manufacture and sale of the Lutec technology within America.

Negotiations for the rights to Southeast Asia and Europe are ongoing with a number of interested companies and we expect these to be finalized by the end of 2002.

It is only this interest which has allowed Lutec Australia to commence operations.

Recommended for you:
Data breaches about this energy device is spreading over the internet.

The upcoming energy crisis, is knocking to our doorstep, and the "Elite" are not talking about this, under the pretext of not creating panic among the population.
But the actual truth is that a information about a secret little known energy device is making waves on the internet, and they are trying to take your mind of it.
The times we live in are dangerous, but we do not see that the richer are getting more rich, and the powerful are getting more powerful.
The scary part for them is, they are losing the power due to the data information which is leaked online, and this is something they do not have all the control over it, for the time at least.

Take the control in your own hands!

Prepare to learn something amazing and let's put them where they belong, and let them see what it's like to be in our shoes.



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