The Secret of Searl Effect Generator

Is Searl Effect Generator a Legend or Truth?

Searl Effect Generator was created by British professor John Searl in 1946.

What is clear is that there are too many myths about John Searl's generators. What about the truth?

In fact, the free energy enthusiasts have recreated the Searl Effect Generator, they have demonstrated it on Youtube, and it clearly works. Videos appeared and were taken down over the years. There are still many new videos about Searl Effect Generator that show it working really well.

Most mainstream scientists have no idea about the Searl Effect Generator. Some scholars and scientists use physical theories, such as the laws of thermodynamics, to rule that the Searl Effect Generator does not work. And they created slanderous information about John Searl being a fraud. But the law of thermodynamics cannot be applied directly to the field of Electricity. And moreover, the laws of physics are just man-made, not created by God or the Universe.

So, "What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics." – Nikola Tesla

Scientific Theoretical Basis for Searl Effect Generator

John Searl's free energy technology is also suppressed, like many other free energy inventions. Moreover, technologies that reveal the essence of Ether are even more strongly suppressed. Because Searl Effect Generator works according to "Rotating Magnetic Field" in Ether field. Technology using Rotating Magnetic Field has been developed by Nikola Tesla based on Ether field physics. And if John Searl explains clearly about the Searl Effect Generator, it definitely has to use Ether physics. Thus, the Ether field theory that was suppressed by mainstream science would become famous along with John Searl. This is very unlikely to happen in front of  $cience.

But the reality is different, John Searl does not give the principle of operation of the Searl Effect Generator according to Ether physics. Instead, he gave a rough explanation of some of the details of the generator in terms of quantum theory.
There are 3 reasons for John Searl to do it:
  1. John Searl is forced not to physically use Ether, because he knows that suppressing free energy is also suppressing Ether technology. Perhaps Searl didn't want to argue with mainstream science.
  2. Searl wanted to keep his company a secret. So he doesn't need to thoroughly explain the operation of the Searl Effect Generator
  3. Searl has no knowledge of Ether (this is very unlikely for free energy researchers).

Explaining how Searl Effect Generator works according to Ether field physics

First, you need to take a look at the preliminary structure of the Searl Effect Generator:

Left: preliminary structure; right: simulated structure according to reality

The SEG (Searl Effect Generator) is a series of three magnetic rings and their particular cylindrical pieces of magnetic counterparts. They form a flat configuration where there are three solid magnetic rings functioning as stators and a space for the smaller oppositely magnetized magnetic pieces considered rotors. The pieces are at the same time drawn around to the solid magnetic rings and repulsed when rotating in a manner that they float about 1 or 2mm steadily above the surface of the ring. This works with the first inner ring as well as the other second and third ring. The second ring is placed around the smaller set of a ring and pieces.

The SEG is composed of four different materials: Neodymium, Teflon or Nylon 66, Permanent Magnetic material, Copper - in the same sequence, layered inside to outside for both the stator ring and the rotor or roller.

In fact, the above structure creates a special permanent magnet, covered with a layer of Copper. The permanent magnet is an autonomous Ether field, with the flow of Ether in the dielectric form. Magnetism is actually a dielectric (a tension of Ether) that has lost inertia/energy.
Copper is a metal that alters the flow of Ether produced by permanent magnets. The contact of the rotor and the stator as above will change (reduce) the alignment by the attraction generated by the magnet. Then, the rotor and stator are connected by a curvilinear magnetic field line. 

Ether itself tends to mediate pressure to reach equilibrium. When the copper case is added, even though the Ether field of the magnet is changed, the Ether (naturally) still makes it in equilibrium. Gravity is also due to Ether reconciling pressure to equilibrium, but there are many factors that characterize Ether that are involved in the creation of gravity.

Summary of the operation of SEG:
  • The starting of the SEG can be done by hand turning the rotor, or using pulses acting on the coils.
  • As the roller rotates, a magnetic induction line along the height of the rotor (roller) cuts the magnetic induction line coil. The winding conductor will be perpendicular to the magnetic field line. Voltage is generated at the coil.
  • There should be an electromagnetic field at the coil that interferes with the movement of the magnet (rotor) of the roller. This electromagnetic field in the generator is called the Back EMF, and the resisting force that causes the magnet to rotate is called Lenz's force. But, The coils are connected in series, with Bifilar winding, and additional magnet housing. This will generate a voltage in a standing waveform and cancel Lenz's force.
  • The rotor's copper shell also reduces the interaction between the magnetic field generated by the coil, and the magnetic field of the rotor roller.
  • The speed of the rotor roller will be accelerated by resonance. Resonance also depends on the number of winding turns and other specifications.
  • To speed up the SEG rollers, or slow down, an additional control pulse can be activated in the starter coil, with the pulse frequency generated by the square pulse generator
  • This incredible feat is due to the instability of having an AC sine imprint on the plate and a cosine print on the rollers - instability created as the fields conflict causes the rollers to orbit the plate. They are held down by the magnetic field and thrown out by the centrifugal forces, so the rollers do not actually touch the plate when in motion.
  • In addition to the method of using high-frequency square pulses for speed control, then to control it, a powerful radio frequency emitted nearby is required. If the same RF is transmitted as the AC frequency used to magnetise the rollers, they will completely stop. This acts as an ideal control gate, preventing the loss of costly generators.

John Searl didn't publish his invention

John Searl didn't want his invention to fall under the "The U.S. Government's Secret Inventions" act. So he created his own company, developing the Searl Effect Generator and flying saucer technology. Nominally, SEG is a big company, but Searl mainly retails generators made to order at high prices. Although John Searl passed away in 2018, the company is still taken over and developed by free energy experts.

Old information about SEG company:
Previously, when Searl was still alive, he said that SEG also had the ability to create negative Entropy to cure diseases. Everything tends to gradually become chaotic. That's a simple example of positive Entropy. A new car comes out of the factory until it gets old, just sepia, or we have to age, which is also a simple example of positive entropy. That means everything will gradually become chaotic, broken, uncertain...

The law of thermodynamics consists of three laws, one of which states that the entropy in the universe must be positive. In the law of thermodynamics, positive entropy is understood as the chaos applied to particles: A positive (+) entropy change means an increase in disorder. The universe tends toward increased entropy. All spontaneous change occurs with an increase in entropy of the universe. The sum of the entropy change for the system and the surrounding must be positive(+) for a spontaneous process.

The anti-gravity researchers and developers have succeeded, they are all based on Ether physics and many experiments on Ether. In Henry Stevens' Aether theory it is said that negative Entropy can be created in Ether.

With SEG technology, a wound of the body will heal faster than usual. Because SEG produces negative Entropy. Of course we should not measure temperature or pressure to say that SEG produces negative Entropy, because the negative Entropy of SEG is a latent order deep in the Ether. That is the theoretical basis for SEG's natural healing technology.

Video - Real application of Searl Effect Generator: free energy, anti-gravity and natural healing:

The secret of Searl Effect Generator was re-established by the experts

John Searl has not officially announced the Searl Effect Generator publicly. Information on the Internet about the design of Searl Effect Generator is mostly fragmentary and incomplete.

Free energy experts based on leaks about Searl technology. Then many experts tested and successfully built the Searl Effect Generator, even with 1 layer of rotor roller.

SEG version 1 roller rotor and 3 roller rotor both work well

Having a blueprint put together by a free energy expert through leaks and calling John Searl in the 1980s can help. The person who recreated it was S. Gunnar Sandberg, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, University of Sussex, June 1985

The following SEG blueprint, recreated by experts, will help you create a high-powered generator, along with a speed and voltage control board:

✰* Revealed At Last: Recreate the "Searl Effect Generator" construction by free energy experts:

Generates Energy-On-Demand▶️ Searl Effect Generator 

Summary of operation of Searl Effect Generator:
  • The rotating permanent magnet is the stirring of the Ether. The generator does not generate electricity, it is just a place to manifest energy from the Ether.
  • Copper material with Tesla's Bifilar-style winding, like a DNA double helix. Then, the electromagnetic field (EMF) after generating a voltage inherently harmful to the generator (it will stop the magnet from rotating - Lenz's law) becomes beneficial.
  • The rotor rollers are Copper coated magnets, they will be driven by the voltage on the coil itself, creating resonance.
  • The output voltage depends on the speed of the rotor roller and number of coil turns.
  • The speed of the rotor roller is controlled by a custom frequency, square pulse voltage applied to the control coil.
  • This incredible feat is due to the instability of having an AC sine imprint on the plate and a cosine print on the rollers - instability created as the fields conflict causes the rollers to orbit the plate. They are held down by the magnetic field and thrown out by the centrifugal forces, so the rollers do not actually touch the plate when in motion.
JOHN SEARL'S GENERATOR  ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰*
  • It is a detailed instruction on how to make a genuine Searl Effect Generator with high capacity by yourself..
  • In particular, you can make your own Searl Effect Generator in the simplest way (Searl Effect Generator has been simplified), without requiring complicated materials like John Searl's genuine work, but still achieving high performance.

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