Following the example of the Casimir Effect, the Dumas Effect produces an output of 116%.
For the first time a simple process that is easy to make and costs very little enables everyone to have access to free energy.
Immersion heater claimed to be 116% efficient -- Based on Peter Davey's design
For several years , an independent researcher Ardèche , Jean -Christophe Dumas, explores the " Casimir effect " in relation to the resonance of water.
He discovers a spontaneous steam generator with singular characteristics method .
"The Dumas effect" is appraised in Nice by an independent laboratory, September 14, 2013 .
Jean -Christophe Dumas
The findings are instructive : like the Casimir effect , the Dumas effect generates a yield of 116 % energy.
For the first time a simple, easy to design and very inexpensive method allows all access to free energy.
" In space, there is a free form of energy, infinite that will allow humanity to harmonize its energy technologies with major workings of nature. This discovery is only a matter of time. " -- Nicolas Tesla (1856-1943)
In 1948, thanks to quantum field theory and in total violation of the laws of thermodynamics , the physicist Hendrik Casimir predicted the existence of an infinite reservoir of energy in the vacuum.
In 1958 the first experimental proof of the validity of this theory is made.
In 1997 Sparnay Lamoreaux then realize that scientifically valid testing the Casimir effect
Here is the complete instructions for making (for a few euros!) Of the process generating the Dumas effect.
A simple, effective technology that is available to all, free license and for the greater common good of all the inhabitants of the earth.
April 23- François Alfonsi MEP Regions and Peoples Solidarity met Jean-Christophe Dumas Dumas Effect discoverer of the process - free energy. He was accompanied by his parliamentary assistant and Gérard Pierre Costa Leynaud candidate in the European elections on 25 May. Regions and Peoples Solidarity focuses on the Dumas method may provide a solution to peoples lack of drinking water by its almost immediate effect desalination of seawater François Alfonsi attended a demonstration of the method and Dumas met Pierre Antoine Courouble spokesman Collective Ardéchois For Alternative Energy. (Photo: From left to right, PA Courouble, JC Dumas, F and G Alfonsi Leynaud)
Interview with J-C. Dumas - The invention of a scientific miracle
by Germain Treille ,
France Bleu Drôme Ardèche
April 15, 2014
Jean- Christophe Dumas is an independent, passionate researcher of physics, chemistry and electronics. He has invented the resonance reactor, a small craft scrap , which could disrupt our lives and change our behavior in terms of energy . You said revolutionary ?
The Ardèche researcher Jean-Christophe Dumas in front of his invention.
Jean- Christophe Dumas is convinced that his discovery could upset the energy story of this century. In any case, it is true that experience, we have assisted gawk . Because at first we did not believe it too. The Scientist welcomes us to his home in Vals -les- Bains. On the terrace of his house, he prepares his shot. A container filled with water, an extension cord and that's it. It dips into the water a small steel ball, based on a switch. The reactor resonance makes a slight noise. And indeed, the steam escapes from the container. The water turns into steam instantly well. The researcher has not lied to us. Then the most amazing, perhaps this revolution, the process produces more energy than it consumes. This would allow, for example, to have a heating system at a lower cost .
The resonance reactor
Practical use can : express desalinating seawater And if this was the solution for millions of people short of water? The Ardèche researcher is a philanthropist, he has not filed any patent, it offers the public his invention via internet / free invention of law.
Ethical science
Each of us can download the Facebook page of Jean- Christophe Dumas ( Dumas- Free Energy Effect ) the timeline reactor resonance. Produce its own energy would be possible and all for a few euros scrap steel, the price of the machine is to make yourself. Scientific Ardèche claims not to be a weirdo. It must give a series of lectures to promote his invention would encounter strong resistance from powerful industrial lobbies.
The rotating permanent magnet is the stirring of the Ether. The generator does not generate electricity, it is just a place to manifest energy from the Ether.
Copper material with Tesla's Bifilar-style winding, like a DNA double helix. The electromagnetic field (EMF) after generating a voltage inherently harmful to the generator (it will stop the magnet from rotating - Lenz's law) becomes beneficial.
The rotor rollers are Copper coated magnets, they will be driven by the voltage on the coil itself, creating resonance.
The output voltage depends on the speed of the rotor roller and the number of turns.
The speed of the rotor roller is controlled by a custom frequency, square pulse voltage applied to the control coil.
This incredible feat is due to the instability of having an AC sine imprint on the plate and a cosine print on the rollers - instability created as the fields conflict causes the rollers to orbit the plate. They are held down by the magnetic field and thrown out by the centrifugal forces, so the rollers do not actually touch the plate when in motion.
It is a detailed instruction on how to make a genuine Searl Effect Generator with high capacity by yourself..
In particular, you can make your own Searl Effect Generator in the simplest way (Searl Effect Generator has been simplified), without requiring complicated materials like John Searl's genuine work, but still achieving high performance.
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