The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla

Contents of the book The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla and some comments

The author of The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla is Tim Swartz, he is influenced by mainstream academic science. That leads to the notion that Tesla's problem is, for example, global warming and climate change is a concept of contemporary science. Tim Swartz thinks Tesla was right in predicting global warming. That doesn't make sense to those who think global warming is fake, and model the universe with "flat ground", meaning the earth is not spherical.

The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla: Haarp - Chemtrails And The Secrets Of Alternative 4

Contents of The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla: Haarp - Chemtrails And The Secrets Of Alternative 4

Some comments by SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR Blog and by other readers about The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla

What impressed me was that the documents of Tesla after his death, in addition to those that were confiscated by the FBI, there was also a trove of documents, including four boxes, which was held by Alfrey, but was later stolen. Dale Alfrey bought those 4 boxes of documents for $25 from a bookseller's auction. The origin of those four boxes of documents is from more than a dozen boxes of Tesla belongings left at hotels such as the Waldorf Astoria, the Governor Clinton Hotel and the St. Regis used to sell to salvagers to pay off Tesla's unpaid bills.

More than 10 of those boxes were hunted after Tesla's death, and Alfred was also hunted for Tesla documents.

Waldorf reveals that Tesla has contact with aliens:

The papers Dale Alfrey found revealed, apparently, spent a number of years trying to translate the mysterious signal he first heard in 1899.
His basic interpretation of these signals was that beings from another planet, "Martials," as the slang of the day called them, were secretly here on Earth - They had infiltrated the human race. For centuries - They have controlled events and people to lead humanity on the path of evolutionary development and are essentially responsible for the humans on the planet in the first place.

If Tim Swartz replaced the word Earth with Earth, and "planet" was replaced with "realm", it would be suitable for those who are searching for the truth about the universe. See also: The Most Logical Relationship Between The Testatika Generator, The Tartarian Empire and Nikola Tesla

Teslascope is said to be Tesla's tool to communicate with people in other realms: Tesla Communicating With People In Other Realms

2/ Comments by other readers

"If you are fascinated by Tesla you can get over the quirks, and once you do, there is a lot of fascinating informaion in this book. What quirks? One, the author has it out for Thomas Eddison getting credit as the father of electricy. It is true that Tesla's AC clearly makes him the man behind every electrical outlet in the world, but the author needs to relax a bit. Two, Tesla had quite a 'wild side' and you have to be prepared to read some pretty far out stuff. With that in mind, I strongly recommend that anyone trying to piece together the 'mostly lost' history of this amazing scientist read this book. Tesla was too far ahead of his time. His desire to provide energy for free was undesirable to the big wigs who backed him and that, in the end, was his undoing. Now, however, his ideas and concepts are begining to come of age. Anyone who believes certain technologies have been repressed for oil company profits, that secret plans regarding global climate change need to become declassified, and that gravity, time and energy are not fully understood will be very glad they have this book. Just be prepared for an 'other than conventional' read. One last note; some people search in vain for something called Alternative 3. This book contains some information on that hard to find topic."

"The content of this book is perfect for anyone interested in the fringey-er side of Tesla. This book explores how Tesla's science-sense led him to believe in communicating with the dead, exchanging ideas with ETs, and facilitating time travel. Of course, these topics are related beside the usual unusual inventions of Tesla, like free, wireless energy, the death ray, and earthquake generation. As with other books I've read about Tesla, it did leave me angry that he had a grasp on technologies that would have removed our dependance on oil a century ago. As for the writing, some of it is literally, word for word redundant, like the author didn't realize he'd already included those paragraphs of research prior. Still, an entertaining read.

KINDLE VERSION: I don't know how they convert books to Kindle, especially older or self-published books, but wow! They don't appear to edit or proofread the text before making it available. These aren't slight grammatical errors, but things like using numbers where letters should be, punctuation missing or randomly replaced by other characters. Paragraphs that start in the wrong places on the page.

I pay for Kindle books. Almost every book I read now is electronic. There's absolutely no reason we should expect lower editorial quality in these purchases. Is the future of reading going to be permanently chock-full of mistakes that are not only annoying but make for puzzling reading? Please no!"

"Not recommended. Although it is difficult to parse, it seems that the main thrust of this book is an attempt to sensationalize a "conspiracy" to suppress Tesla's inventions. Tesla's contributions related to the development of A/C power generation, distribution and utilization are actually well-known in the scientific and engineering communities. Also well-known is the stigma his unconventional methods, his probable mental illness, and not least his views on extraterrestrial intelligence attached to his work. No doubt some of his inventions were classified after WWII, as was the work of many others - not much of a conspiracy.
The context of the book is forgivable, if misguided. What is disappointing is that this book is just badly written. The reporting and documentation of the "facts" and references presented do not rise to the standards of tabloid journalism. The writing itself is disjointed, repetitive, and poorly-edited. "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla" consumed hours of my life I can never get back, before I finally set it aside in exasperation and sent it to the recycle bin. Lest you think this excessively harsh, my wife - who also tried to read the book - says I am being overly kind. By contrast, Nick Cook's "The Hunt for Zero Point" is well-written and entertaining, though Tesla is barely mentioned."

Real Tesla Technology in The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla

The unique technologies mentioned in The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla are interwoven between myth and truth by words. Because Tim Swartz is the one who talks about Tesla in the non-scientific language of Nikola Tesla, he is a scholar of mainstream science. The science of Tesla and other geniuses over 100 years ago was the physical science of Ether. This is physics lost and suppressed.
The Michelson-Morley experiment is the famous failure to eliminate Ether, and moreover, it is an experiment based on the wrong definition of Ether.

The real Tesla technology in The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla will be found in Tesla's list of free energy technology articles: List of Tesla technology research articles

Related: Access to Ether field physics and free energy - 🤔 Field Torsion, AC GENERATORS & Fallacy of Mechanomotive to Electromotive conversion


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