Uncovering the missing Secrets of Magnetism

Brief introduction and online reading of  "Uncovering the missing Secrets of Magnetism" book

Brief introduction:

If one should take anything from this well put together and a seemingly intellectual chain of reasonable and collective "facts" of someone believes what he has brought to the table to is actual facts and evidence and not theories and of who has done their research and home work that goes against mainstream teachings is just that. Which is to think outside of the box and postulate your own opinions despite what we are forced to learn.

I am not an expert as wheeler claims and seems to be with no real examples of credibility besides high praises of self teachings and collective ideas and well presented his own/"never before seen" set of experiments taken from data and teachings other out of the box thinkers such as Tesla and Schauberger, but being repetitive and claiming your own thoughts as the truth can only go so far especially without no real evidence of credentials except self claimed language translation expert and some form of college education can only go so far especially in an era and hype of "Professors" with a phd in google related searches and minor in Wikipedia studies proficiency.

My personal opinion is I highly recommend this to anyone so they can make their own thesis on this subject and what Wheeler claims to be right. WISDOM is gain through listening and observing not with closed biases of opinions, and if history has taught us anything is mainstream is most always proven wrong and any one should to be given a chance to not only tell but view such a well formulated and calculated chain of thoughts and experiments such as what is in this book. Humanity's ideas should always be reviewed and not shunned by others opinions and piss poor bias reviews like betaraygo and raygooin that isn't only an example of wrongful thinking but a poor example of why humanity is de-evolving and caught in a world of contradictions, miscalculations, and full of holes and paradoxes.

Uncovering the missing Secrets of Magnetism
Model of the Ether Field in a Permanent Magnet by Ken L Wheeler: the torus and its inverse are separated by a plane of dielectric inertia (Bloch wall)

The only negative I have of the author is the repetitive nature with no real or clear example of importance of why we should be thinking about the facts brought forth are the right and correct way of teaching and learning. The only thing I truly obtained is the "stick it to the man/ governmental brain washing" and not why this "Secret" is of so much importance. But with that being said repetition is the only way thoughts can turn to action and action becomes second nature and if the government didnt want a free energy device and went to great links to destroy a reputation of a man(Tesla) who unselfishly wanted to give the world the gift that mother nature is naturally giving with unmetered and no charge then one can only assume what we are taught to believe is wrong and only hinders our ability to advance.

Read books online:

Content related to SEARL EFFECT GENERATOR Blog and Ether field technology: Searl Effect Generator and Flying Saucer

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✰* Revealed At Last: Recreate the "Searl Effect Generator" construction by free energy experts:

Generates Energy-On-Demand▶️ Searl Effect Generator 

Summary of operation of Searl Effect Generator:
  • The rotating permanent magnet is the stirring of the Ether. The generator does not generate electricity, it is just a place to manifest energy from the Ether.
  • Copper material with Tesla's Bifilar-style winding, like a DNA double helix. Then, the electromagnetic field (EMF) after generating a voltage inherently harmful to the generator (it will stop the magnet from rotating - Lenz's law) becomes beneficial.
  • The rotor rollers are Copper coated magnets, they will be driven by the voltage on the coil itself, creating resonance.
  • The output voltage depends on the speed of the rotor roller and number of coil turns.
  • The speed of the rotor roller is controlled by a custom frequency, square pulse voltage applied to the control coil.
  • This incredible feat is due to the instability of having an AC sine imprint on the plate and a cosine print on the rollers - instability created as the fields conflict causes the rollers to orbit the plate. They are held down by the magnetic field and thrown out by the centrifugal forces, so the rollers do not actually touch the plate when in motion.
JOHN SEARL'S GENERATOR  ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰*
  • It is a detailed instruction on how to make a genuine Searl Effect Generator with high capacity by yourself..
  • In particular, you can make your own Searl Effect Generator in the simplest way (Searl Effect Generator has been simplified), without requiring complicated materials like John Searl's genuine work, but still achieving high performance.

        Uncovering the missing Secrets of Magnetism Review

        Ken Wheeler draws upon ancient philosophy and the work of Faraday, Maxwell, Heaviside, Steinmetz and Tesla in formulating the premise that the prime cause for all of the known forces emanate from perturbations of the Ether, which is non-physical and existent in counter-space, that was widely accepted and necessary in the work of the listed innovators and that has roundly been rejected by the advent of quantum mechanics. What follows is an experiential/experimental analysis of the relationship between dielectricity and magnetism as expressed in geometry and interacting forces, leading to somewhat of a definition of both, and their relationship to electromagnetism.

        Once established and defined, this relationship is then extended to redefine the nature and observed effects of ferromagnetic, diamagnetic and radioactive elements, conductors (dielectric reflectors), insulators (dielectric capacitors) and superconductors before addressing the toroidal structure of galaxies, molecular bonds, the hydrogen atom, gravity and light itself.

        It would therefore be fair to say that the content is an inversion of physics as we know it, but yet accords well with other non-standard contemporary postulates that seek to unite physics with consciousness, science with ancient philosophy, the fractal-holographic view of the universe or even an information-based theory of physics (although I suspect that the author may be as disparaging of some of these proponents as much as Einstein or Feynman). If correct, the work may provide more substance to some of the mathematically abstract and empirically unproven forces or entities that make up our current cosmological view, such as dark energy and dark matter (hypothesised to explain observable effects) and may serve to flesh out the work of physicists and cosmologists in investigating black holes and their effects, amongst others.

        A serious drawback in the writing, is the unfortunate tendency of the author to make frequent statements of opposition - many of which lead to contradiction. These are damaging to the core content of the work, which is more than sufficient in quality in both its investigations and findings to be plausible and worthy of serious consideration. Mr. Wheeler's style and approach makes it manifestly clear that he is not an academic, an apologist or a politically motivated physicist with his eyes on a prize. It is also clear that the book has not been edited or spruced up by a publisher. While this may alienate certain readers before the substance of the book emerges, I find these qualities to be indicators of sincerity, both with regards to the investigation and to the frustration felt with the state of established physics. Simultaneously, I am concerned that the author's supposition of opposition can only engender further exclusion from consideration, which is a travesty when considering the amount of work and time that have been committed to this transmission of knowledge.

        My conclusion is that this book is of great value to those who are able to cast literary prejudice aside, those who are not too attached to a dogmatic view of physics or its luminaries, those who are comfortable with unlearning (even temporarily) what has become "established fact" and in particular those who seek to act upon knowledge rather than discuss it at length in "appropriate forums". To paraphrase C.G. Jung: "There is no coming to consciousness without pain". This would be just the book for that.

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